Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Less than 24 hours to go.....

Yup! Tomorrow is the Big Induction Day! I can't believe it's so close now!

As you can guess Squiggle has not put in at appearence in the last few days, although my body has been doing some odd things. Last night, for example, for around 2 - 3 hours I was getting huge tightenings across my belly, lower back and undercarriage every 15 - 20 mins or so that lasted for about a minute each. They weren't at all painful and didn't stop me doing anything (not that I was doing much, reading, watching a movie, lounging) and I got to sleep easily enough. This morning.... nothing! *sigh* So I don't think I'll be "beating the induction" unless something drastic happens today.

We're still waiting on a call for Mark to see if/when he's working. He should be starting today, I've got my mum over today instead of tonight to keep me company (i.e. sane).

 I've got a full list of things to do today myself to keep me occupied. Starting with stripping all the beds and re-making them as Jack will be in the cot, and mum will be in Jack's bed. Might as well do ours at the same time! I also have the livingroom to rearrange a bit so the moses basket can go in there - it's currenlty on Jack's top bunk. Not much use! I want to give the kitchen a good clean too. If my mum's here while I'm not, and especially if Mark's out working, she's going to be using the kitchen so it can't be grubby! Same with the bathroom, it's long over due a good scrub in stead of the quick wipe to make it presentable.

I need to go shopping too. I don't like the idea of abandoning my family to fend for themselves with no food or extra nappies in the house! I also have a mountain of laundry to get through (again! How is this possible? I swear I spend 2/3 of my life doing laundry!) and typically it's a damp grey day so I wont be able to get anything up on the line so it's all going to back up waiting to go in the drier! Our washer takes twice as much weight as our drier, which isn't a problem when the weather is good. Nightmare the rest of the time! At least I don't do ironing! I learned a long time ago not to buy much clothing that requires an ironing.... I'm hoping that when Jack goes to school it'll be the kind of uniform that will drip dry pretty flat :oD

I'm rambling again.... Mark's just got the call and set off for work. Jack is happily playing with his Thomas train-set while watching Thomas on Milkshake. I'm going to have to crack on with these jobs if I want to be able to have a nice relaxing bath come Jack's nap time. So far all I've done it make a start on the beds and washing...

No doubt I'll be back on later - having a panic and a flap! Hopfully I'll have got a LOT more done by then!

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