Sunday, December 15, 2013

Weigh Day

I am stunned that I have lost weight this week. I thought I might drop a pound maybe. But 3lb?

I've had the odd naughty this week.... like half a very large cherry bun and the school Christmas fair, and a McDonald's with the kids. But I have watched my WW points to make sure I don't go mental with my treats.

I'm sticking to the fruit and veg thing though. I'm never hungry and never without something to snack on. I'm just choosing healthy snacks packed with good stuff.

This is my average menu:

Breakfast: Cheerios, skimmed milk, banana and a coffee.

Lunch: Salad sandwich with wholemeal bread & low fat cream cheese. Two pieces of fruit. Herbal tea.

Dinner: Proper meal with lean meat, 3+ veg, pasta/rice/potato. Sugar free juice.

Snacks: A very large box of carrots, celery & cucumber to nibble on as and when through out the day.

I've got stuff that I can nibble on to top up my points, like fat free yoghurt that I dollop all over fruit (like bananas or mixed berrys) and I do allow myself the odd bar of chocolate or burger with my kids. I'm not about self deprivation! And if I go round banning myself from stuff I'm more likely to fail. I think the big difference this time round is that I am not letting myself get hungry. If I start to feel peckish I get something to eat. But instead of diving straight for the biscuit jar, I have an apple, or chomp on a nice crunchy raw carrot.

I assume that I am continuing to lose weight because I am actually burning more. I'm trying to keep active when normally at this time of year I'm looking for any excuse to stay in, and if I have to go anywhere I'd drive.

I wonder how I'll get on next week? Anyway..... I have a roast dinner to cook today so I'm going to go and enjoy every bite of that! Nom nom nom!

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