Sunday, December 15, 2013

Secret Diary Post - Weight Loss

So, like it said in my official published post, I have lost 3lb again this week. I admit I am a little confused about how I feel.... I'm glad to have lost some weight because I am obese. But I'm a little worried that maybe I will be perceived as someone who is more bothered about losing weight than they are about providing for their baby.

This isn't the case!

I love this little Bean. I already love it just as much as the three boys I already have. I'm not trying to diet to harm my baby or because I am vein. (If you knew me in real life you would know I certainly am not vein).

Being obese isn't good for my baby. I've been told this by my midwives, consultants and dietitians when I was expecting my 2nd & 3rd babies. In fact, the changes I have made to my diet (diet as in eating habits, rather than weight loss) are exactly the changes I'll be told to make once I see my GD consultant this time. I have cut out almost all the junk. I still have the odd treat, but that what it is, an odd treat. Not a daily thing. I have replaced my biscuits and chocolate bars with carrot sticks and celery. Last night I got nibbles before bed and wound up eating pickled beetroot (although that might have more to do with baby wanting something, I'm not sure) where in previous pregnancies it would have been a whole packet of jaffa cakes or half a family bag of jelly babies.

So before anyone gets worried about me and baby (and certainly before anyone decides to start bad mouthing me for my pregnancy weight loss) I am not actively trying to lose weight. I am eating a full, healthy, balanced diet, and my body is naturally getting leaner. This is my first trimester. I don't NEED to gain weight just yet. I don't need to gain FAT at all.... just the weight of my baby, placenta, fluid etc. My baby is getting exactly what it needs from my body and from my dietary choices and will be healthier for them. I am getting between 5 and 8 portions of fruit and veg a day so I have a fab mix of vitamins and minerals. I'm having 2 portions of wholegrain daily. I am getting my protein from my lean meat, a sensible amount of carbs with each meal, and I am having at least 2 portions of low fat dairy each day too.

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