Thursday, March 6, 2008

Another post?

Well, I've just come back from our last parenting session, and felt like I had to off load.

It was scary this week. Last week was icky (what with the pop-your-waters-hook and suck-your-baby-out-hoover-attachment and all) but this was actually frightening. Very useful - essential actually - but I freaked me out. This is something I have avoided reading up on in the books we are given.

We did baby first aid.

Not on real babies I hasten to add, on dolls. And it is stuff that we NEED to know, like how to resus' a baby, and how to stop it choking. It's just that I was happy in my state of pure ignorant bliss that my baby would never need to have any first aid. My baby will be perfectly fine and fit and well and live forever, without me having to slap it on the back, or breath for it once it's out side the womb.

Stupid, I know.

So now I am going to read up on it in the books too, and feel confident that I will know what to do in an emergency, and not have nightmares tonight. 

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